Today I had an appointment for my first ever smear test and OMG it was so scary. Not the actual thing but the lead up was horrible.
Right so, when I got the letter my heart sank and I didn't know how to feel. I was scared, worried of what was going to happen and also worried about what the possible outcome could be.
So back to today. Sitting in the doctors I started to feel a little anxious waiting for my name to be called. 10 mins late a lovely lady called my name and we waled along the long corridor to a small room.
We sat down and she started to ask me questions about my health bladdy blahh then making just general conversation which really helped me forget about what was about to happen.
Now the difficult bit. I then lay on the bed very awkwardly and then she put this tube thing in my vagina which feels really weird. Not how you would think it would feel. Just pressure and moving about. Then with this brush they need to scrape the cervix. I will say this doesn't hurt it just feels horrible and cringy. I felt like I could hear something which didn't help how it felt. I would say this lasts about 10 seconds. Feels a little longer but i promise not that long ha.
Once this is done that is it you are all done. I did bleed a tiny bit but that is normal and I felt really strange in the bottom of my stomach but that soon faded.
Now I am just glad that this is over and wont need to do it any time soon (hopefully)
Please don't hesitate in getting this done. It take 5 minutes of your time and it could save lives. This is so important weather I get good or bad news. At least if its bad I have time to change things and its not too late.
Sorry for the personal post but this needs to be spoke about more. Thank you so much for reading.
If you prefer to watch videos then I have added it below.
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